Why choose Education Bites?

Learn on-demand while meeting essential CPD obligations, one 'Bite' at a time.

The choice for busy professionals

Each module (or 'Bite') concentrates on a specific aspect of a topic area, making it easier to complete in smaller one-hour time slots when your schedule allows it.

Practical takeaways

You pick up practical skills through the analysis of real-world client scenarios. Whatever your situation, Education Bites shows you how to apply the theory to the day-to-day.

Learn with the leaders

Heffron was named SMSF Adviser Educator of the Year in 2022 and 2023. We also educate the experts and consult with regulators, the Government and the media.

What's included?

Choose exactly what you need from 55+ modules

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55+ modules and CPD hours, expanding all the time
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Education Bites can lead to certification of Super Foundations or Super Extension course – when you complete the modules that count towards those courses they become part of your accreditation when you register for the course.

$55 per user / month (incl GST)

No lock in contracts. Discounts for multiple learners. 

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When you select 'Register now' you'll be directed to the Heffron IQ Portal where you can sign in or register for a free account. Once you've logged in you'll see the dashboard with the 'Education Bites' wording and icon. Select 'Subscribe' to get started. 

Heffron Education Bites topic areas and modules

There are 55+ 'Bites' across 7 topic areas ranging from beginner to expert level.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • understand when money may be taken out of super and when it must be;
  • explain the options available in terms of how super benefits are taken;
  • understand some of the key tax rules that impact super benefits; and
  • understand some of the special rules for death benefits.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • understand the difference between preserved, restricted and unrestricted benefits; 
  • calculate a member’s preserved, restricted and unrestricted balance; 
  • identify whether a member satisfies a condition of release and whether there are any cashing restrictions; and 
  • help clients wanting to access their super benefits identify their options.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the rules applicable for the two main types of super pensions (retirement phase account-based pensions and transition to retirement pensions);
  • calculate minimum and maximum pension payments under a range of scenarios;
  • identify any special reporting requirements for SMSFs providing pensions; and 
  • apply this knowledge for the benefit of clients.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain what a super lump sum means and how it can be paid; 
  • understand the difference between a super lump sum arising from the full or partial commutation of a pension and other lump sums; 
  • understand the documentation required to formalise a super lump sum from an SMSF; and 
  • apply this knowledge for the benefit of your clients. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain what the transfer balance cap is and its role in the super system; 
  • calculate an individual’s transfer balance cap and the amount of their cap used to date by understanding the transactions that impact a member’s transfer balance account; 
  • explain the consequences of exceeding the transfer balance cap and the ways in which this can be resolved; and 
  • apply this knowledge for the benefit of clients. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain key super benefit tax concepts such as the proportioning rule and how it applies to both income streams and lump sums; 
  • explain how benefits are taxed under a variety of circumstances; and 
  • apply these rules to your clients’ super benefits.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain how various super interests are taken into account for the purposes of the age pension and the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card; 
  • understand the importance of 1 January 2015 as a key date for income streams; and 
  • apply this knowledge for the benefit of your clients. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise why a client may wish to qualify as “retired”; 
  • explain the difference between the two retirement definitions; 
  • critique whether a client qualifies as “retired”; 
  • investigate arrangements which appear contrived; and 
  • apply this knowledge to your clients’ situations.  

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain commutations for super pensions; 
  • explain the difference between a partial and full commutation; 
  • explain the different impacts on minimum pension payments and ECPI; and 
  • help clients get the best possible outcome when taking a commutation. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the difference between the general transfer balance cap and an individual’s personal transfer balance cap; 
  • identify whether a client is eligible for indexation of their transfer balance cap and how it is calculated; and 
  • weigh up the pros and cons of strategies to maximise a client’s indexation amount. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the process by which a TRIS becomes a retirement phase account-based pension; 
  • identify strategic opportunities for TRIS clients about to take this step; 
  • identify potential pitfalls and how to avoid them; and 
  • apply this knowledge to your clients’ situations. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the circumstances under which a member might meet other conditions of release (permanent incapacity, temporary incapacity, terminal medical condition, financial hardship, compassionate grounds); 
  • explain the special tax treatment applicable for people meeting these conditions of release; 
  • identify cases where clients may appear to meet these conditions of release but in fact don’t; and 
  • apply these rules to your clients’ super benefits. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • On completion you will be able to: understand how market linked pensions work; 
  • perform the relevant calculations for pension payments, terms, transfer balance debits and credits; and 
  • use these to assist your clients in maintaining, changing and ending their market linked pensions. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify who is eligible to make contributions to super; 
  • explain the caps on contributions; and 
  • identify why someone might choose to save for their retirement via super.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise the various transactions which are contributions to super (both the common and not so common) and why they are regarded as contributions; 
  • explain the various ways in which contributions are made (to both SMSFs and non-SMSFs); 
  • identify when various different types of contributions are made and why that date is important; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain when different types of contributions can and cannot be accepted; 
  • identify the action to be taken if an SMSF trustee accepts a contribution when the member wasn’t eligible; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise the different contribution caps and how the amounts are determined; 
  • determine the particular cap to which a contribution is counted and why; 
  • identify who can use the catchup contribution rules and the categories of clients for whom it might be useful;  
  • identify who can use the bring forward rules and how the amounts are determined; 
  • understand what happens if a member exceeds their cap and identify steps which could be put in place to stop an excess happening; 
  • calculate an individual’s total super balance; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.  

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify if an employer can claim a tax deduction for contributions for particular individuals; 
  • distinguish when the “engagement test” needs to be met; 
  • explain how an SMSF’s status on Super Fund Lookup impacts whether an employer can make contributions to the fund; 
  • identify reportable super contributions and their impact on an individual; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise if and when an individual is able to claim a tax deduction for a contribution; 
  • analyse a client’s circumstances and determine (if relevant) whether or not they will need to meet the work test or qualify for a work test exemption; 
  • explain the notice requirements for personal deductible contributions; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain why the Government offers tax concessions to encourage low income earners to save for their retirement via super; 
  • explain the Low Income Super Tax Offset and determine who is entitled to it; 
  • explain what is required to qualify for a Government co-contribution and how it is calculated; 
  • explain the tax offset which is available for individuals who make contributions for their spouse; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • calculate an individual’s total super balance in unusual circumstances; 
  • compare the timing of super events on an individual’s total super balance vs their transfer balance cap; 
  • recognise additional issues for SMSF members; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • discuss in detail the rules which must be met to utilise carried forward concessional contribution cap amounts; 
  • recognise the target client groups for whom the strategy might be useful; and 
  • apply their learnings to construct strategies for clients.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • understand the bring forward rules in detail – what they are and how they work; 
  • identify clients who can and can’t use the bring forward rules; 
  • suggest solutions for clients who have triggered the bring forward rules when they didn’t mean to; 
  • use the bring forward rules to help clients maximise their super; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • understand the eligibility criteria for downsizer contributions and the rules to be followed when they are made; 
  • help clients identify when they could use a downsizer contribution to boost their super; and 
  • help clients avoid mistakes when it comes to making downsizer contributions. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain who can split contributions with whom; 
  • identify timeframes and restrictions that apply in particular circumstances; 
  • understand the circumstances under which this could be valuable; and 
  • apply these rules for the benefit of their clients.  

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • differentiate the ways in which mistakes can be made when contributing to super; 
  • understand how each of these contribution mistakes must be dealt with; 
  • explain how these amounts should be reported; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Specialist course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain what happens if a member exceeds a contributions cap; 
  • differentiate between the consequences for excess concessional and non-concessional contributions; 
  • understand the various amounts and terms on an excess contribution determination; 
  • identify common reporting errors and recognise how to correct them; 
  • evaluate whether an application should be made to disregard or reallocate contributions; 
  • explain the process to be followed to release excess amounts from super; and 
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios. 

This 'bite' is for expert level professionals and is coming soon.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify the rules which must be met to effectively defer the allocation of a contribution;
  • recognise the target client groups for whom the strategy might be useful; and 
  • construct deferred allocation strategies for clients. 

This 'bite' is for expert level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • help clients identify when a recontribution strategy could assist them and why; 
  • advise clients on how to implement a strategy; 
  • modify the standard approach to the strategy when relevant – for example, funds with limited cash flow, members who are close to total super balance thresholds that impact their ability to make contributions etc; and 
  • identify potential risks or issues when considering a recontribution strategy. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain what a reversionary beneficiary is; explain how and when it is possible to make or remove a beneficiary nomination from a pension; 
  • explain the benefits and trade-offs of a pension reverting to a reversionary beneficiary; and 
  • explain when an alternative type of nomination (or having more than one type of nomination) may be appropriate. 

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify the types of insurance policies permitted to be held inside super, including grandfathered policies; and 
  • explain the advantages and disadvantages of holding insurance inside a super fund. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain how super funds, including SMSFs, are taxed; 
  • recognise when a super fund might pay more than 15% tax on its income; and 
  • describe when a super fund might pay less than 15% tax on its income. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify which method should be used to work out a fund’s ECPI given the fund’s and members’ circumstances
  • apply that knowledge to assess the impact on the various different types of income received by the fund (capital gains, interest, dividends, trust distributions, rent etc); and
  • assist clients in maximising the ECPI in their SMSF. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify the conditions a fund needs to satisfy to qualify as an “Australian super fund”; 
  • explain the consequences if a fund stops meeting the residency rules; and 
  • determine the actions SMSF trustees or members should take if they plan to travel overseas. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise the SMSFs which are required to register for GST; 
  • explain the benefits of voluntarily registering for GST & weigh up when it might be beneficial; 
  • identify and differentiate between different types of supplies; e
  • xplain when the reduced credit acquisition concept is relevant; id
  • entify reduced credit acquisitions; ex
  • plain the input tax credits available where an SMSF makes more than one type of supply; 
  • test whether a fund meets the financial acquisitions threshold; 
  • assess whether to use the cash or accruals method of accounting for GST; and 
  • apply your learnings to everyday client scenarios. 

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • understand the impact on ECPI in an SMSF of commutations, death, fund wind ups and uneven income patterns; and 
  • guide clients to make decisions under these circumstances that will optimise their ECPI outcome.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the process for establishing an SMSF in general terms; 
  • explain the obligations of trustees in the day to day running of an SMSF; 
  • explain why SMSF assets must be revalued each year; and 
  • describe the role of an auditor in an SMSF. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify the sorts of outgoings which are and aren’t appropriate for an SMSF to pay; and 
  • determine whether the outgoings can be claimed as a tax deduction and, if the fund is paying retirement phase pensions, whether only a partial deduction is available. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • determine if an individual has met the eligibility criteria for starting a pension; 
  • examine an SMSF trust deed to determine if it allows for the payment of pensions; 
  • identify when a pension can commence; 
  • critique the proposed pension starting balance; and 
  • identify the documents required when starting a pension and explain why they are needed. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • explain the record keeping requirements to an SMSF trustee; and 
  • advise SMSF trustees on the appropriate steps to take if documents are lost. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • recognise the transfer balance cap events which need to be reported to the ATO; 
  • determine the due date for a particular transfer balance account report; 
  • explain the consequences of delays in reporting transfer balance cap events; and 
  • solve common reporting problems. 

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • articulate the benefits of having an SMSF and why an SMSF might (or might not) be appropriate for a client. 

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify the Regulator’s options for dealing with breaches of the super law; evaluate the consequences of these options for particular clients; and develop strategies to minimise the impact for clients. 

This 'bite' is for expert level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify how the death of a trustee, director, or member may cause a fund to stop being an SMSF; 
  • determine what action is required for a fund to re-qualify as an SMSF and the timeframe available to do this; and 
  • explain the consequences of a fund not qualifying as an SMSF. 

This 'bite' is for expert level professionals.

On completion you will be able to: 

  • identify identify and explain when the specific segregation of assets might be useful for SMSF clients; 
  • identify identify whether a client has successfully segregated their SMSF; 
  • take take steps to ensure that subsequent events do not cause the segregation to fail; and 
  • understand understand the consequences of the segregation. 

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • describe the key rules governing SMSF investments;
  • understand the importance of the sole purpose test when it comes to investing;
  • identify potential pitfalls when making investments that involve other people close to the trustees or members; and
  • identify potential risks when it comes to managing investments after they have been acquired.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • evaluate whether a particular super fund transaction or investment will satisfy the sole purpose test;
  • explain the trustee covenants and the consequences if they aren’t met;
  • demonstrate how to apply the keeping fund assets separate rules;
  • explain broadly when loans are permitted/not permitted;
  • differentiate a loan from an inadvertent mistake or illegal early release;
  • explain the concept “commercial terms”; and
  • use this knowledge to help clients evaluate the legality of an investment.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify the key requirements of an ATO compliant investment strategy;
  • explain to SMSF trustees how to construct an ATO compliant investment strategy;
  • evaluate the investment strategies of clients to determine if they will meet the ATO’s requirements; and
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify whether an investment of an SMSF is an in-house asset;
  • explain how the allowed in-house limit is calculated;
  • explain what happens if the allowed in-house limit is exceeded; and
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • explain the key terms “Part 8 associate” and “related party”;
  • identify the various Part 8 associates of an SMSF member; and
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify which assets cannot be acquired from a related party; and
  • assist clients in identifying potential breaches of these rules.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • differentiate between real property and non-real property;
  • describe the wholly and exclusively test;
  • evaluate whether a particular property qualifies as business real property and when it needs to meet that definition; and
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Extension course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • recognise the transactions which are a borrowing and why they are treated that way;
  • identify whether a particular borrowing by an SMSF is allowed;
  • explain the key features of a limited recourse borrowing arrangement or LRBA;
  • identify if an asset is a “single acquirable asset”;
  • explain the restrictions which apply whilst an LRBA is in place; and
  • apply their learnings to everyday client scenarios.

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to:

  • recognise the assets which can be leased to related parties;
  • explain when written lease documents are required;
  • identify if an arrangement is on arm's length terms & conditions and the consequences if it is not; and
  • develop solutions to common problems.

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to:

  • recognise the situations in which SMSFs are permitted to lend money;
  • explain the steps needed to ensure a loan arrangement is on arm's length terms & conditions;
  • evaluate whether a transaction gives rise to a loan; and
  • identify common audit issues.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • explain what super is and explain what a super fund is;
  • understand why people might choose to save for retirement in a super fund;
  • identify different types of super funds; and
  • recognise the different participants in super and their roles.

This 'bite' is part of the Super Foundations course.

On completion you will be able to:

  • describe how an SMSF is different to other types of super funds;
  • understand why some people might choose to hold their super in an SMSF;
  • identify who can be a member of an SMSF;
  • explain the options for the trustee of an SMSF; and
  • explain the responsibilities of SMSF trustees.

This 'bite' is for intermediate level professionals.

On completion you will be able to:

  • identify what conditions a fund needs to meet to qualify as a SMSF;
  • determine whether a person can still be a member of a fund without being a trustee/director; and
  • describe what steps and timeframes a fund has to remain as an SMSF if the fund composition changes.

This 'bite' is for specialist level professionals.

On completion you will be able to:

  • explain the difference between a general power of attorney and an enduring power of attorney;
  • explain what an attorney can and can’t do;
  • identify the actions which must be taken if an SMSF member loses capacity with an enduring power of attorney;
  • critique the options where an SMSF member loses capacity without an enduring power of attorney; and
  • answer commonly asked questions.

Who is it for?

Professionals who want to develop their knowledge of superannuation and SMSF in specific areas of need and meet CPD requirements.

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Super Foundations course

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Super Extension course

Super Extension is a deep dive into the key complexities of superannuation and SMSFs. You control your learning by targeting one topic area at a time.

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Super Companion

The source of truth on super and SMSFs, and the only resource you’ll ever need. Super Companion gives you a practical and comprehensive technical online resource for SMSF professionals.

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