As a registered tax agent, Heffron has a range of responsibilities and obligations under the Tax Practitioners Board’s (TPB) Code of Professional Conduct and also under taxation law. To assist in understanding your obligations as a taxpayer as well as Heffron’s obligations as a registered tax agent, the TPB has prepared an Information for Client Factsheet. The factsheet includes details of how you can search the TPB’s register of tax agents and, where relevant, how you can make a complaint to the TPB about a tax agent service we have provided.  

Fund Establishment - Documents only $605

Complete Form

Heffron prepares all documentation to establish a new self managed superannuation fund including the deed, member applications, PDS and trustee declarations. Heffron does not review documents for correct execution or apply for the ABN and TFN as part of this service.

Fund Establishment - Documents & ATO Registrations $715

Complete Form

Heffron prepares all documentation to establish a new self managed superannuation fund, and delivers all documents in a professional binder. As part of the full service, we also review all documents for correct execution, apply for the ABN and TFN and return all hard copy documents for you to keep for your records.

Fund Establishment for Heffron Administration $550

Complete Form

Heffron prepares all documentation to establish and administer a new self managed superannuation fund, and delivers all documents in a professional binder. As part of the full service, we also review all documents for correct execution, apply for the ABN and TFN and return all hard copy documents for you to keep for your records.

Investment Strategy $33

We are taking our deep technical knowledge of all things SMSF and making it accessible to you in different ways. The first component of our Heffron Super Toolkit is a guided wizard that helps you articulate a client's investment strategy and confidently document it to meet auditor and ATO requirements. Subscribe for $33 per user per month and gain access to each new component as it’s released.

Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (ROPS) Registration $715

Heffron prepares the documentation to register the self-managed superannuation fund for ROPS. This includes completing and lodging the Overseas Pension Scheme Notification form together with the current SMSF Trust Deed, with HM Revenue & Customs on behalf of the SMSF Trustee.

A Trust Deed Amendment may be required to satisfy the definition of a Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme - this can be prepared by Heffron at an additional cost.