I did wonder if I’d ever write those words, more than a few times in the last few years, but it seems we can. So what happens next?
At long last, the Government has registered the regulations covering two important topics:
The regulations registered in the last few days are very similar to the ones originally released so our comments about some people being missed remain.
The new reserve rules last indefinitely – not just 5 years. And they essentially provide two things:
So what does that mean right now?
Firstly – if your client’s legacy pension was put in place for social security purposes, hold fire. We are still waiting for an additional legislative instrument that will make sure they receive the appropriate treatment under the Social Security Act 1991. (While they will lose their asset test exemption moving forward, we need this instrument to ensure they are not also issued a debt notice assuming that the pension counted for the assets test for the last 5 years.)
Secondly – if your client has already started unwinding an old legacy pension and is in the middle of implementing the slightly more complex set of steps previously required to do that, get in touch with your advice provider. While the new rules won’t make a lot of difference to the final outcome, you may be able to get there more quickly and save some tax in the interim.
Thirdly – if you haven’t done anything yet, get in touch with us in the New Year. We can advise you on how to unwind your legacy pension or reserves or both. Because don’t be fooled - the new rules are simple but there is still complexity in how some of the existing rules impact any wind up. For example:
As always, this is an area of the law in which we are fortunate to have several industry leading experts in-house – don’t hesitate to contact us if we can assist. If you’re an adviser, we can provide you with options to help you advise your clients. If you’re an accountant who wants to help a client make these changes but can’t provide advice, or a trustee with one of these pensions, we can help with a Statement of Advice. Or whoever you are, we can simply explain the rules as part of our “phone a friend” technical support service.
We expect that for many of you, the last few weeks before a Christmas break is not the ideal time to engage with a complex change for some of your larger clients! So don’t panic – we’ve been advising on these pensions for 26 years and we’ll be around to provide more guidance, education and advice in the New Year.
We'll be running two webinars in March 2025 covering the changes to legacy pensions - you can register for the one relevant to your circumstances here.
And if you need support such as advice, documents or more, click here.